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Vanilla SPilla self MAde man Numerolo... 10:41
Vanilla SPilla self MAde man Numerology Facts, Forseeing WOrld War 3 Prophecy! Ft. The IMF Head Director Illumnati NEw world oRder!.mp4 Donload album on itunes Vanilla SPilla self MAde man Numerology Facts, Forseeing WOrld War 3 Prophecy! Ft The Internal National Monetary fund head director is featured in the video. Russia is fancy to show off their muscles because they no money lmao the ruble broke on christmas day, all we to do is throw a coat hanger to russia's army and they will allow us to pay the army to stave a contigency against itself. the comunist grobachev lock jaw party is sticky and muttering putters of crying baby communistts cryiing because of their lack of liquidity issue,,,, one problem with russia is the deadbolt that communism really is... communism is the spoil to their own displeasement when 3rd party independent, company, moody's lowered russias credit rating again, they missed interest payments again, to their bond holders, this is why putin has annexed crimera, they are tyring to revoke their debt to the central bank EZEKIEL 38.35 burn in fire you created russia, figuratively! your own financial model backward, their is a huge problem when you can't create industry and jobs for your own people, this causes a government lack of liquidty issue, when you have 50percent unemployment like russia, how can they ever drive home enough tax dollars from their people if none of them have a fine place to work, capitalism will liberate russia and their people!
Submitted by: Twin-c Vanillla Spilla
Keywords: ww3. barackobama international montetary fund world news new world order i The IMF Head Director Illumnati Illumnati new white rapper twin-c vanilla spilla vanilla spilla obama pope francis forseeing World War 3 foxnews abcnews nbcnews mtvnewmusic2015 rap/hiphop
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